Agri-tourism, Maple Ridge
Do you know what agri-tourism is? It’s only the fastest growing part of the tourism industry in North America. It is very popular in Maple Ridge, as well. Agri-tourism combines the agriculture trade with activities for the public to partake in. Still unsure? Think bird sanctuaries, fish hatcheries or cheese crafters. These endeavors are available for people of all ages to participate in to have memorable experiences to cherish for a lifetime.
The bird sanctuary, Raptors Ridge Birds of Prey, Inc., is home to 28 breathtaking birds and run by a husband and wife team. They have educational programs that aim to bridge the gap between humans and the birds. You are completely trained before you engage with any of the birds. There are walks and tours for the bird lover in you to spend time with the hawks out in nature. Of course, all of this can be done for a small fee.
During specific times of the year, one could experience a pumpkin patch with their family. The Laity Pumpkin Patch has two locations in Maple Ridge. Both of the sites are quite breathtaking. Schools are invited to tour the farms in order to understand how a pumpkin patch runs. The children can even take home a small pumpkin as a souvenir. How exciting!
Since 1901, the Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows Country Fest has been occurring every summer. There are so many activities to take part in – like the customary pie eating contest, animal races and horse shows. This is one activity in Maple Ridge that you don’t want to miss. They even host a beer garden for the adults. What a better way to spend your summer!
Another attraction of the agri-tourism business are fish hatcheries. One would think – what is so important about fish? Actually, in Maple Ridge this is something you don’t want to miss. Just like the other businesses, the Alouette River Management Society, the history runs deep. Since around 1891, there has always been a plethora of fishing resources for the natives. The same still continues in the present day. The hatchery offers field trips for schoolchildren. On their website is much needed resources for teachers as well as a kid’s page. For funding, the business hosts events as well as adopt-a-salmon occasions. Everyone can be involved with making the fish hatchery the best it can be
Dinner plans can be taken care of when you visit the cheese crafters at Golden Ears. You can either take a cooking class or purchase their cheeses from a variety of retailers. Not to mention, visiting the Country Kitchen will fill you up with specialties that are revolved around…what else? CHEESE! Not sure what to make with the cheese you purchased? Not to worry – the Golden Ears Cheese Crafters have recipes on their website to assist you. There are always events and goings on at the farm. You could even host your next event there. How beautiful would that be? Cheese fan or not, you will not be disappointed with your visit.
Choosing an activity at one of the local agri-tourism establishments will not only teach you something new, it will give you an unforgettable experience.
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