Patios/Outdoors, Maple Ridge

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Having an outside space is a bonus for any homeowner. With the addition of a patio or outside area to your home, you have a supplementary place to spend time with friends and family. Most times, people gather in the kitchen or the family room during social events. With an outside area, you can entertain in a different part of your home.

Just imagine, spending a Saturday evening, in your backyard with friends, enjoying life. Nothing is better. However, to get to that point, one must do a couple of things. You can’t have that picturesque vision without some hard work. Now, you can hire someone to fix up your yard, but where is the fun in that?

• If you have an existing outdoor or patio area, it will need some love and care. Make sure you sweep the entire area to clear away any debris. Often, after the fall and winter months, the outdoor space will need some attention. We don’t tend to spend much time outside during those seasons. Therefore, some things may have been forgotten or overlooked.

• The winter snowstorms may not have been kind to your outdoor areas. Cracks may have formed and will need repairing. Pay attention to any new cracks and crevices in the exterior of your home. Don’t let any of those get out of hand as your foundation may have been damaged over the cold season. In some cases, you may have to call a professional to assist with your situation.

• While not in use, the greenery can overgrow and get out of hand. Make sure you wash the entire area with a pressure machine. This will get rid of the grass, weeds and other unwanted plants growing everywhere and clean the decking or pavers for a like-new finish.

• What is an outdoor patio without a place to sit and relax? Add some furniture for people to enjoy the area you have created. This will allow you to host barbeques on hot, sunny days. Invite your neighbors over to appreciate the cheery atmosphere and great company too.

• To top off the entire area, add outdoor lighting. This way you can unwind in the evening after the sun has set. Enjoy watching the night sky while sipping on a glass of wine. All this is possible with special outdoor lighting to give off just enough illumination to create a space to rejuvenate you after a long day at work.

When you create an entertaining space outside, you are extending the square footage of your home. Not to mention, if you were looking to put your house on the market, potential buyers will find the addition attractive. It allows you to have more places in your home to relax and be with friends and family. If you complete a home improvement project and add a deck, that is even more enticing. Studies have shown when you add a patio to your outside area; you are increasing the value on your home. Who doesn’t want the most prized home on the block?

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