Coach House in North Vancouver

Is your house congested and you want some space? If at times you want to be alone and have privacy or need a peaceful place to work from home then Coach house is the solution to live a carefree life in North Vancouver. Living in a coach house is like downsize to a more comfortable living situation. North Vancouver Laneway homes provide a lot of benefits from extra space to a diversified living style. You need to follow a legal procedure to build a coach house on your property.
Determine your lot’s eligibility and the application process that applies to your proposal. If your lot qualifies, begin your application for coach house construction on your property in north Vancouver.
If your lot is within one or more development permit areas (DPA) then:
- Your proposal must follow all the guidelines and requirements for the applicable DPA
- Firstly, apply for a Development permit, and then a building permit
Laneway House North Vancouver Permit Process
Applicants must acquire a building permit before starting any construction. If your coach house meets the criteria and all of the requirements of the Zoning Bylaw, then you are ready to submit a building permit application.
If your coach house proposal fits the development variant permit process, then apply for the DVP process
- Inquiry: Complete the development variant permit application and contact the development planning department to discuss your proposal. You will get a zoning compliance form to be completed to find out the variances.
- Submit the coach house complete application to the development planning department
- Neighbor Notification: Your neighboring residents will be notified by the planning department to advise them of the application and to receive comments.
- Staff review and revisions: Staff may request you to provide more information
- Council Decision: Development planning department will create a report about your proposal including the summary and received comments and send it to the council of North Vancouver. Council will make the decision to approve or reject your proposal of coach house.

When you plan to construct a coach house, there are a lot of costs to consider. Costs vary depending on site characteristics. Some of the important cost factors to keep in mind are the following:
District servicing costs vary depending on requirements, location of existing services, connection points, soil condition, and topography. New utility networks may be required. Servicing rates are the same as for single-family residential rates.
Additional costs may be required for electricity and gas
Construction costs of coach house include building materials, labor, permits, landscaping, building plans and designs, and professional fees. These costs may vary depending on the quality of materials.
District fees and charges for a coach house or laneway home include:
- Building permit
- Development variance permit
- Development permit area
- Other development and environment fees
Before construction make sure that your proposal complies with all the coach house requirements of Zoning Bylaw 3210. Consult zoning bylaw and other municipal bylaws for full requirements and procedures
Consider the following practices when designing a coach house. They make sure to provide well-oriented building design, interconnection with the existing neighborhood without any problem, and infill housing including privacy, good view, and access to natural light.
The entrance to the coach house should be clearly visible and easily accessible from the street.
- The primary entrance of the coach house should be aligned to the street and provide plentiful window openings to get a good visual connection with the street
- All entrances should provide weather protection with features like front porches, verandas, and recessed entries
- Secondary entrances should be easily accessible from on-site parking and considered as secondary entrance visually
The size and window placement of your coach house should minimize over-viewing of neighborhood houses and promote privacy to you and your surrounding residence.
- Alignment, sizing, and window placement of your coach house should be aware of adjoining properties and topography
- Upper-level windows should be designed to increase privacy to avoid over-looking neighboring properties. Consider the usage of skylights, clerestory windows, or obscured glazing.

Coach house landscape design should include new landscapes to maximize privacy, strengthen the eco-system, and lessen stormwater run-off.
- The design should be in accordance with the District’s development permit area and environmental regulations protecting the natural features and existing trees
- Landscaping should face the lane area that is not occupied by buildings, parking, or garbage space.
- The outdoor living area should be concealed for privacy with landscaping and architectural elements like trellises.
- Mechanical equipment and utility meters should be placed on the side or back wall of the coach house to avoid noise
- Designs for driveway and parking should reduce water run-off using paving materials. Facilitate natural rainwater filtration by retaining rainwater run-off from roofs to rain gardens and rock pits.
Are you looking forward to age in your place? Or want a coach house for an aging family member? For convenience consider adding accessible design features to your coach house that includes level access path, lever-style door, faucet handles, and turning space
Design your coach house to be interrelated in quality and appearance to the main house and neighborhood.
- All garbage cans should be concealed and secured within an enclosed and wildlife resistant structure
- A single location should be designated for the coach house and the main house for garbage pickup
Laneway house add value to your property than its actual cost and provide you income by rent. They provide you extra living space and solve all your privacy issues so you should think about building one for your ease and better living.
So what are you waiting for? Call silvercrest homes now to get help in building a quality Laneway house in Metro Vancouver or North Vancouver.

The key to a successful renovation project is in the details.
Our Process
- A complete and thorough site inspection
- Extensive client consultation to craft your dream home
- Complete set of concept drawings with your review approval
- Final drawings and detailed to your exact specifications
- Budgeting along the way, so you know your options and all the related costs. Need something changed, no worries, we will let you know exactly what, if any, additional expenditures are involved
- We handle all city hall permit requirements on your behalf, to ensure smooth sailing without administrative headaches
- Construction and inspections. You project manager over see the entire process start to finish, dealing with all stages of the process and any questions you may need answered along the way
- Final walk-through to ensure your total satisfaction with the end result
Our team utilizes the latest cloud based technology for project management. Clients can easily check in to see current progress, pictures, change order requests, budget and much more. We keep on track and on budget to ensure your project is completed to your satisfaction.

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